I love sitting in the passenger seat taking photos and just looking at all the beautiful scenery. This photo is just about 25 miles outside of Helena, MT, its near McDonald Pass, the sun was setting, and I was able to get the camera out and take this photo.
Our son loves being in the car, the only time he gets fussy is because he's wet, or wants a drink.. when he was real small, if he cried, he was preparing to fall asleep. He is such a trooper.. when we would stop for either him or us, we would let him get out and walk.. He has only been walking about a month or so, so the legs are still like that of a new sailor.. now that he's older and taller, he can look out the window and see the scenery, sometimes he even laughs, not sure at what, but only he knows.. maybe when he's older, he can tell us. Coming home, he was even better, the ride was about two hours shorter, mainly because we didn't stop as much.. once we got him into the house, i let him play for a few minutes, but when i picked him up and told him it was snoozy time, I showed him his bed, and laid him down in it, i never heard a peep out of him until about 5am.... what a great trip
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