This Christmas season, i've lost an Uncle that i was beyond close too and so grateful for final moments, and getting things that were left unsaid.. said, thank you Joe for that, your words have far greater depth now, and into the passing of your life.. i love you
For years, i would get off work at UPS, and head to my Grandparents that were about a two hour drive into the Northern parts of Washington... to help Dannie (grandfather) for days of baking and putting up lights... just fun times.. i miss those days, and between the years fo 07 (his death) and now (2012) I havent felt like baking cookies, just didnt have it in me to do. It was something that we did together, just us. But this his son passing away recently, and my own son coming into his own Christmas spirit, I decided to bake... and i used a mixer, which Dannie and I never used, EVER, and i think he caught me, because as i was mixing the oatmeal raisin batter, the beaters got me... just a little pinch... i think it was Dannie's way of saying.. im watching you.. so, if anyone knows of a good wooden spoon to stir large amounts of dough, i am all ears, cause it takes a special spoon to not break in some doughs.. trust me, we had gone thru about 20, until we found one that didnt break, and sadly i didnt grab it before the Estate sale..
Thousands of Cookies were made over the years, fudges, peanut brittle.. the best recipe ever... and maybe someday i'll put it out for all to see.. its mixed by using the microwave... just a yummy treat
Christmas seems so much more special.. always takes a little reminder, last year, we had a very sick little boy, and his illness just seemed to linger from Thanksgiving to Christmas, but about a week before Christmas, he was all better and back to his cheery self. This year, we are enjoying all the little things and celebrating the holiday with simple flavors, and low key parties.. life needs to be simpler, so much it seems is spent on working, and im grateful for my job, but also grateful for the four days off... LOVE IT
As my little guy grows up, I hope he goes away with the feeling of magic at this holiday time.. He's four now, and this year, helped pick out our tree, decorate it, put up his train, helped with decorating sugar cookies, and just the all around merriment... and soon, will be helping to pick out toys for kids that have parents who need a little help...
Thank you buddy, some day you will see this and know how loved you are... and hopefully you will walk away with memories of sheer joy like i did.. not just from the gifts you got, but the family, the food, the sharing, and caring for others who can't quite get that Christmas feeling.. its a good thing to share.. generosity
Growing up, i always knew money was tight, and was told so, but Christmas was always amazing.. and i loved to help shop for people that put their names on giving trees... to be apart of that, is the best feeling..
Welcome to my little written world. This started out as a sweet little blog, but, as time goes on, this little blog of mine, has turned into anything but sweet... usually I write about things that are happening in my little corner of the world.. I hope that you enjoy your time here, leave a comment.. thank you for your time
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Saturday, November 17, 2012
Wanted: Cancer - - For Murder

Notes of sarcasm will be used, if you cant figure out what they are, don't bother reading on... i am still adjusting to the news that my Dear Uncle Joe is no longer here, BUT.. his stubborn ass hung on long enough, and like he said, it would be us poor suckers left behind to mourn him... Ain't that the truth.. The call came to me November 16th, 2012 at 9:46pm, from his first wife... and as soon as I saw her name on the phone, I knew that he was gone.. and got that tight feeling in my chest and throat as I answered the phone...
Just 9 months ago, I got a call from his her wife, telling me that Joe had cancer, and i was just dumbfounded.. i cried a bit, and then she helped me get into touch with him.. we are estranged because in 2007 his Dad died of the same type of Cancer.. When he died, Joe was in pain and said things to the family and just walked away.. I really tried to stay in touch..
Our first call.. and all calls after, were at work, on lunch, on break, a quick little hello, how are you feeling type calls.. texts, and wow, a lot of conversations, a lot of fixing old hurts. He will always be missed, the way we use to torment each other. The day we were in the kitchen, and I smarted off to him, and he turned me over his knee and spanked my ass.. damn that big hand hurt.. left a nice print... me being 30 and him being nearly 40.... what a pain he was, but we just loved him. Fun Loving, Generous and a Royal pain in my ass.. we cracked jokes that the rest in the family just didn't get, but we were having fun, once he chased me down the long hallway at my Grandparents after I stuck my tongue out at him... hahahaha, didn't catch me sucker, did ya.. Not til later.. I was walking by him, and he grabbed my wrist, and man he was strong, them big meat hooks as I called them, had me good. What was I to do, but turn on the charm, and the brown eyes, and he was putty... hahahaha... again, i win!
Why did i win, cause i was so feisty to him, and bossy... but, we had complete love for each other. We walked memory lanes path for months, talking about how he taught me to use a nail gun the right way, and not put a nail thru his hand like he did.... OUCHY, still makes me cringe thinking about it and picturing his hand with an entrance and an exit wound.. "Dont let it slip kid, or you are FUCKED" is what he said to me.. with that twinkle in his eye.. so great, im holding a giant nail gun in my hand and he's holding down the wall joint for the cabinent... and im thinking to myself.. Don't screw up, cause if you do, its probably gonna be his hand.. after the first two fires, I was ok... and for years, used the nail gun like no big deal..
So many memories, and as I think of them, I have been writing them down.. my son never got to meet him, he is 4, but he will be told all about Dear Uncle Joe...
As I got older, more on my own, I flew down to Cali, and stayed with him and the family for two weeks, and what a blast... took me up to the snow at Big Bear, had a great dinner at a cafe up there.. and then the next day, he took off work and we went to Disneyland.. what a blast we had... his wife was pregnant, so it wasn't much fun for her, but we had a good time...
With the holidays approaching, it will be a bit difficult to imagine that Christmas morning, I wont get that call.. even in my 20's and 30's, loved waiting for our call from Joe.. I was always reminded not to get the phone but to let his Dad answer, but his Dad always handed the phone to me to answer.. all of us at my Grandparents and then he and his family in Cali... he never got to come up here for the holidays.. and that is a whole other story about someones selfishness... and it isnt his.. anyhow I almost strayed from my theme of sarcasm to snarky.... keep the focus girl LOL
His Cancer started in his Colon, they removed half of his large intestine, the giant tumor, and three feet of his small intestine.. and things really started to look up. But then the cancer spread to his Liver and more chemo, he was fighting a good fight.. then, he confided in me during one of our calls, his 2nd wife, who I have never met, she sounds like an angel... so glad they married, but, she didnt even know then, but they found cancer in his blood, and then, he learned into his lungs.. My last call to him was in October, we just talked, I cried a little, not because I knew he was dying, but because I wouldn't probably ever get to see his stubborn ass again. He said to me.. "Kid, if you were able, you'ld come down down and take care of me, Just like you did with my Dad?" I said, Yes i would..
When his Dad entered his final days, My Mom and I were in the Caribbean.. and as soon as we landed in Houston, i turned on my phone, and immediately my Grandma called asking for me to come to the house.. she said my Cousin would be there to pick me up, and he did, drove me up to their home, and Grandfather was there in his bed, and he totally knew who we were, said hello, and asked me to help him. But, I knew it was soon... my cousin had to go to work and couldn't stay, so he left, my Aunt left, Hospice nurse left, and Grannie went to bed after I made a run to the pharmacy.... to get a patch to help with drying out, as he was starting to foam... I'll never remember the last thing the Hospice Nurse said to me... as she handed me a bottle of Morphine, she said, "IF he gets to MUCH, he WILL DIE.!" It was like she was giving me permission to overdose him, and I could not do that, would not do that! and then have to live with that... So, it grew quiet in the house, I had the the off, the heat on, and called Joe, we talked for a bit and then he had to go.. So, I talked to Grandfather who by this time, was spiraling down.... I took a break from suctioning him with a turkey baster because he was foaming so much... trying to breathe... but I had to call my work, and I got approved for two weeks of FMLA. Which was later denied, because he was my Step Grandfather.. Fuckers.. anyhow.. the phone rang, and it was Joe, we talked, he couldn't be with us, because he was going thru a very messy divorce and had to stay in California. He told me that i was so strong, to be there and so loved, to also again, be doing this. I said, I love him like he was blood... and that is what we do for family and friends we love. The end jobs aren't always the prettiest..
He had me put the phone up to his Dad's ear, and let him talk for a bit, and checked a couple times to see if he was done, and there were responses from Grandfather, a little smirk, a little smile... I am not sure in those few moments what Joe was saying to him, nor was it my business, that was Father/Son time.. and when he finished, Joe and I talked for about 45 more minutes, and he asked me what all i was doing for him.. And I told him I was suctioning him, pulling the fluid from his mouth, and then, I noticed his hands.. his powerful huge hands.. they had turned frail, in just a matter of days, and then I saw it... his nails were turning black... and then silence.... I choked back my tears, and interrupted Joe telling me a story about his Dad.. I had to get his attention.. "Joe, your Dad has just passed away." His reply, NO FUCKING WAY! YOU CHECK... I said, I did, I checked for his pulse, and there wasn't one.. I saw his heart pump one last time.. I ached, I had just experienced the most humbling thing ever.. someones last breath, someones last second on earth... I didn't cry, was just awe struck... Joe says to me, check his pulse, I said i just did, there is nothing there, YOU COUNT AGAIN he screams at me.. I said, I can count to fucking Zero, what more do you want.. and well, we both laughed a bit.. Humor was apart of the three of us.. even Dannie, my Grandfather would have seen the humor in that..
I got off the phone with Joe, covered Dannie up, and went to wake my Grandma, who also checked him, and nothing. I called our dear neighbor Russ, who is the fire chief in the town they lived in.. but the phone was busy... he said if it happened, to call and he would bring his friend who was the funeral director in the little town. But again, calling, calling, busy signal, so, its nearly midnight, and I drive down to his house and bang on the back door.. he answers it in his underwear.. (insert giggle) and says, why didnt you call, I said the phone is busy... he yells at his daughter and kisses my forehead and tells me he will follow just gotta get my clothes on.
My Grandfather had a DNR and no life sustaining heroics signed, but the EMT's that showed up who were called by the neighbor to have him declared passed.. wanted to try and save him. I sat on his bed, and told them if you touch him, we are going to have problems. Because I knew after a half hour, they wouldn't be able to anyhow. So, the Chief just sent them back. I helped Grandma get ready, called Joe back, and they took Grandfather away.. I was so removed from the emotional part, because I was the caretaker, I have still yet to cry over his passing.
But the second the phone rang to tell me Joe had passed away... I sobbed uncontrollably, and have been off and on, thoughts come into my head, and I laugh, then I cry, because he was such an important person. But as with all things, they must come to an end, even a life. He lived a well life.. even at age 47 and living with full systemic Cancer.. he did his very best with what cards he was dealt... wish I could say that he turned around with a Royal Flush, but, sadly, no, Ace's and 8's and my heart just breaks...
blood cancer,
cancer sucks,
colon cancer,
liver cancer,
lung cancer,
Monday, November 12, 2012
My Veteran's Day Tribute
We all know someone who is a Veteran, whether they are a proud one, or a humble one. My Grandpa, Grandfather Dannie, Great Uncles, and my dear cousin Adam, they are humble Veterans. It was something they did, to help others, to keep our own country safe, or to protect freedoms that most take for granted. Thousands of miles from home, not sure what the job is at hand, whether they fought in trenches, fought out in the middle of an ocean, the jungle, or desert... They had a job to do, and they did it. Whether they agreed or not.. Sometimes, they would disagree quietly, or within their unit.. Rarely did it ever make it home.. Letters home were always positive, and how much one misses another and to hear stories about home, and school... not of the firing of guns or rockets off in the distance....
My Grandpa served during WWII in Italy and France, he never talked about it, never spoke of the bonds he made, the things he saw, or did... . Grandma told me several times, to not ask about it... and to this day I still don't truly know but, I do this with my own cousin, I tell family who may not know, not to ask him about it. Maybe to protect him from reliving painful memories. One thing Grandpa did bring back, was a little French nursery rhyme... and I still remember the words, and I wondered, did he learn that song over there, because he saw children that needed comforting? And was it something he used to help gain their trust? I know that he was an MP. In the picture below, his hat is offset, this is how I remember him, but instead of a military hat, it was a cowboy hat... even as I type this, the tears come... yes, i miss him, somewhat more now than I did when i was younger. The things that have happened to our country, he would be so pissed and ashamed of how young people see things, looking for a handout... get off your ass if you want something would be his advice. I have another picture of him, he's 16 years old, serving with the C.C.C. he lied about his age, and went to work to help his family in South Dakota, building one of the roads in the Badlands. At this time, it was in the late 30's, into the early 40's and then, just shy of his 19th birthday, the Military Drafted him. And then, so many thousands were drafted along with him. Many would not return, and they are honored on Memorial Day..
They are our heroes, some still living, and some not, but regardless, they do deserve heartfelt thanks. And to think one in 4 homeless people are Veterans. That is so terribly sad, I understand that for some it is a choice they made years ago.... but we as the People, have we some how failed them?
I do my very best to visit the cemeteries on Veteran's Day and Memorial Day... visit with my Grandpa and just take in the things he had taught me, shared with me in my short time with him. I think about him every day... not mournful, but missing, and in hopes that the great wisdom he gave to me, still holds a bit of magic... For In times of strife, I look to his simple words, and reflect on them.
My cousin Adam served in a war that to this day still doesnt make sense to most.. and probably never will. He joined when he was just 16, and each summer he would do his Basic and Advanced Trainings and all his weekend warrior stuff. Then 9/11 happened, and he was nearing his enlistment date, but was delivered a letter saying his unit would be put at a stop-loss, a new term to me,.... so hard to imagine, to be done with your duty and to be told you have to wait, because they might need you later. He left for the Middle East, and when he came home, I will never forget the day we went to the demobilization ceremony a chilly day in 2004, but bright sunshine... the Governor of Oregon was there, and that was precious, so many units coming back and he was with this one. I remember walking into the ceremony, I was excited, I hadnt seen my cousin in almost 4 years, and as close as we were before he left, i was really looking forward to seeing him. And out of the corner of my eye, I see a solider making his way down the aisle of crowded seats, and I turned, and there he was. Huge Hug, and there were some tears, I was just so happy to have him home. Grandma faithfully reminded us, that we had never lost anyone in any war, since she began doing genealogy and had records from the Revolutionary war... we are a lucky family.. but some times journeys take them places, dark places, and i wont write where his journey took him, but it is 2012, and though these memories are several years old, he is now safe, home, and happy... The things he learned in his time of service, helped save his life, and the lives of his buddies...
Thank you all for your service and devotion to our country... politics aside, we are a grateful nation!!!
They are our heroes, some still living, and some not, but regardless, they do deserve heartfelt thanks. And to think one in 4 homeless people are Veterans. That is so terribly sad, I understand that for some it is a choice they made years ago.... but we as the People, have we some how failed them?
I do my very best to visit the cemeteries on Veteran's Day and Memorial Day... visit with my Grandpa and just take in the things he had taught me, shared with me in my short time with him. I think about him every day... not mournful, but missing, and in hopes that the great wisdom he gave to me, still holds a bit of magic... For In times of strife, I look to his simple words, and reflect on them.
Thank you all for your service and devotion to our country... politics aside, we are a grateful nation!!!
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Superstorm Sandy
What a bitch!!
I have been in daily contact with a friend who has no power, and who is down to his last can of fuel... he's letting people into his home to shower because he has heat.... in trade for a little gas... this is just one of millions of stories going on right now.. some scraped by, some dodged a bullet.. and others, have lost literally everything but the clothes on their backs...
At the local level, im seeing some great things, but on a federal level, im seeing the same ole "lets wait and see attitude".... this is such crap. If you want a country that is built on a strong foundation of do-gooders, then let them do the good. Let them help, start working together, but instead, we are creating a bunch of enablers saying.. well, we should plan for this better.. well better is RIGHT NOW!
Put the military in, lets get to work.... and dont tell me we dont have the resources because i've been told my whole life by my family, the "system" that we are the greatest country in the world....
I am so hurt, angered and just downright pissed off that people are still without power, still without clean dry clothes... a little food.. i've donated and if i could, i'd be out there as a volunteer... someday... but lets hope that at the local level things get done faster, its not like they didnt know that the storm was coming..
I have been in daily contact with a friend who has no power, and who is down to his last can of fuel... he's letting people into his home to shower because he has heat.... in trade for a little gas... this is just one of millions of stories going on right now.. some scraped by, some dodged a bullet.. and others, have lost literally everything but the clothes on their backs...
At the local level, im seeing some great things, but on a federal level, im seeing the same ole "lets wait and see attitude".... this is such crap. If you want a country that is built on a strong foundation of do-gooders, then let them do the good. Let them help, start working together, but instead, we are creating a bunch of enablers saying.. well, we should plan for this better.. well better is RIGHT NOW!
Put the military in, lets get to work.... and dont tell me we dont have the resources because i've been told my whole life by my family, the "system" that we are the greatest country in the world....
I am so hurt, angered and just downright pissed off that people are still without power, still without clean dry clothes... a little food.. i've donated and if i could, i'd be out there as a volunteer... someday... but lets hope that at the local level things get done faster, its not like they didnt know that the storm was coming..
I started Pinterest several months ago, and i lasted one day... it was just one more thing to add to the list.. but.... then i tried again, several months later, and wow... it is MY LIST. Just with pictures and links, and how to's. Little notes get attached to pictures of things I want, or Make, or do... the list is endless.
I have been using Pinterest lately as my Christmas guide for homemade gifts and yummy stuff... I am currently making at least 4 things I found on Pinterest for gifts this year and I love it... The Vanilla Extract is my favorite... I am very eager to see what it tastes like in the next few weeks
I cannot say enough good things about Pinterest...especially since I dont have to keep adding to my binder of ideas... i can now go thru the binder and find stuff and see if its on
Go to Pinterest
I have been using Pinterest lately as my Christmas guide for homemade gifts and yummy stuff... I am currently making at least 4 things I found on Pinterest for gifts this year and I love it... The Vanilla Extract is my favorite... I am very eager to see what it tastes like in the next few weeks
I cannot say enough good things about Pinterest...especially since I dont have to keep adding to my binder of ideas... i can now go thru the binder and find stuff and see if its on
Go to Pinterest
gift ideas,
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Jury Duty....
I got my first summons, and here I sure and wait. But you know out is the right of the American people to serve. Yes, there is alot of waiting, but it's one day, unless you are chosen. I won't mind either way... Got lots of time to catch up on this blog.
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